The Most Popular Haikyuu Ship, Ranked

Choose the ship you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 28, 2024 06:57
Fans of Haikyuu often engage in spirited discussions about their favorite character combinations. Debating which duo forms the best bond or presents the most interesting dynamics adds an extra layer of enjoyment to watching the series. This is where a ranked list comes in handy, offering a snapshot of the community's prevailing opinions and preferences. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a broader understanding of how various relationships are viewed within the fan base. Each vote helps to shape the collective perception, ensuring that the list accurately reflects the community's current favorites. This interactive process not only informs new viewers about popular ships but also engages long-time fans in ongoing discussions.

What Is the Most Popular Haikyuu Ship?

  1. 1


    The ship between Iwaizumi Hajime and Oikawa Tooru.
    • Popularity Reason: Longtime friends with a deep bond.
  2. 2


    The ship between Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shouyou.
    • Popularity Reason: Main characters with strong development and chemistry.
  3. 3


    The ship between Ushijima Wakatoshi and Tendou Satori.
    • Popularity Reason: Unique dynamic and understanding between characters.
  4. 4


    The ship between Lev Haiba and Morisuke Yaku.
    • Popularity Reason: Contrast in height and personality, yet a growing bond.
  5. 5


    The ship between Bokuto Koutarou and Akaashi Keiji.
    • Popularity Reason: Dynamic contrast between personalities.
  6. 6


    The ship between Daichi Sawamura and Koushi Sugawara.
    • Popularity Reason: Stable and supportive relationship portrayed.
  7. 7


    The ship between Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi.
    • Popularity Reason: Childhood friends with evolving relationship.
  8. 8


    The ship between Kuroo Tetsurou and Kozume Kenma.
    • Popularity Reason: Strong childhood friendship evolving.
  9. 9


    The ship between Azumane Asahi and Nishinoya Yuu.
    • Popularity Reason: Complementary personalities and mutual respect.
  10. 10


    The ship between Kageyama Tobio and Tsukishima Kei.
    • Popularity Reason: Rivalry turning into mutual recognition.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Haikyuu ship. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or ship is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 41 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each ship once every 24 hours. The rank of each ship is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Haikyuu Ship

Rank #1 for the most popular Haikyuu ship: IwaOi (Source)
Haikyuu is a popular sports anime and manga series. It centers on high school volleyball teams. Fans love the characters and their relationships. Many fans enjoy imagining romantic pairings. These pairings, or "ships," become popular in the fandom.

The series has many characters, each with unique traits. Some are energetic and outgoing. Others are quiet and reserved. This mix creates interesting dynamics. Fans often pair characters based on their interactions. They look for moments of connection. These moments can be small, like a shared smile, or big, like a heartfelt conversation.

One reason fans love shipping is the emotional depth. Haikyuu shows characters growing and changing. They face challenges and support each other. This growth makes the characters feel real. Fans relate to their struggles and triumphs. They want to see the characters find happiness, even in imaginary relationships.

Friendship is a big theme in Haikyuu. The bonds between teammates are strong. They work hard together and trust each other. This trust can be the basis for a ship. Fans see the closeness and imagine it as romantic. The series also shows rivalries. These rivalries can be intense. Sometimes, fans ship rivals. They enjoy the idea of opposites attracting.

The creators of Haikyuu do not focus on romance. The story is about volleyball and personal growth. However, they do show deep connections between characters. These connections fuel the fans' imaginations. The creators also leave some relationships open to interpretation. This ambiguity allows fans to explore different possibilities.

Online communities play a big role in shipping. Fans share fan art, fan fiction, and theories. They discuss their favorite ships and why they love them. These discussions can be passionate. Fans bond over their shared interests. They create a sense of community.

Shipping also allows fans to explore different aspects of the characters. They imagine how characters might act in a romantic relationship. This can reveal new sides of the characters. Fans enjoy thinking about how their favorite characters would express love and affection.

The popularity of a ship can change over time. New episodes and chapters introduce new interactions. Fans may shift their focus to new pairings. Some ships remain popular for a long time. Others fade as the story progresses. The dynamic nature of the fandom keeps it exciting.

In conclusion, shipping in Haikyuu is a way for fans to engage with the series. They enjoy imagining romantic relationships between characters. These ships are based on the deep connections shown in the story. Online communities help fans share their love for their favorite pairings. Shipping adds another layer of enjoyment to the Haikyuu experience.

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