The Most Emotional Movie, Ranked

Choose the movie you think is the most emotional!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 31, 2024 06:35
Movies have a unique power to elicit deep emotional responses from audiences, touching on the core of human experiences and memories. Ranking the most emotional movies can therefore provide insights into which stories resonate most profoundly across different cultures and demographics. It also offers an opportunity for viewers to reflect on their own emotional journeys and connect with others who share similar sentiments. By participating in voting for the most emotional movie, users contribute to a broader understanding of emotional impact and narrative effectiveness. This dynamic ranking adjusts with each vote, reflecting a current collective viewpoint on cinematic works that stir the heart and mind. It is not only a reflection of popular opinion but also an evolving snapshot of what moves us today.

What Is the Most Emotional Movie?

  1. 1

    The Shawshank Redemption

    A moving tale of hope, friendship, and redemption inside the walls of Shawshank State Penitentiary.
    • Director: Frank Darabont
    • Release Year: 1994
  2. 2

    The Green Mile

    An emotional journey that explores the supernatural events on death row, centered around the relationship between a guard and an unusual inmate.
    • Director: Frank Darabont
    • Release Year: 1999
  3. 3

    Schindler's List

    A heart-wrenching story about the Holocaust and the incredible efforts of Oskar Schindler, who saved over a thousand lives during World War II.
    • Director: Steven Spielberg
    • Release Year: 1993
  4. 4

    A Beautiful Mind

    The story of John Nash, a brilliant but asocial mathematician who battles schizophrenia, eventually winning the Nobel Prize.
    • Director: Ron Howard
    • Release Year: 2001
  5. 5

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    A unique and poignant exploration of the complexities of relationships and the pain of loss, following a couple who undergo a procedure to erase memories of each other.
    • Director: Michel Gondry
    • Release Year: 2004
  6. 6


    An animated adventure about an elderly widower who sets off on an adventure in his flying house in search of South American wilderness, fulfilling a promise to his late wife.
    • Director: Pete Docter
    • Release Year: 2009
  7. 7

    Life Is Beautiful

    A touching story of a Jewish Italian bookshop owner who employs his fertile imagination to shield his son from the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp.
    • Director: Roberto Benigni
    • Release Year: 1997
  8. 8

    Forrest Gump

    The story of a simple man with a big heart, whose innocent outlook on life leads him through defining historical moments.
    • Director: Robert Zemeckis
    • Release Year: 1994
  9. 9


    A tragic love story set against the ill-fated maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.
    • Director: James Cameron
    • Release Year: 1997
  10. 10

    Grave of the Fireflies

    A devastating meditation on the human cost of war, told through the eyes of two siblings struggling to survive in the final months of World War II in Japan.
    • Director: Isao Takahata
    • Release Year: 1988

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most emotional movie. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Film is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 83 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Film once every 24 hours. The rank of each Film is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Emotional Movie

The Shawshank Redemption
Rank #1 for the most emotional movie: The Shawshank Redemption (Source)
Movies can evoke deep emotions. They have the power to make us laugh, cry, or feel a range of emotions in between. Some films stand out because they connect with us on a personal level. These movies often explore themes like love, loss, and hope.

The story is the heart of any emotional movie. A well-crafted plot draws us in. It introduces characters we care about. We see their struggles and triumphs. We feel their pain and joy. Good storytelling makes us invest in the outcome. It keeps us on the edge of our seats.

Characters play a crucial role. They must be relatable and real. We need to see parts of ourselves in them. This connection makes their journey more impactful. When they face challenges, we empathize. When they find happiness, we share in their joy. Strong character development is key to an emotional film.

Music also adds to the emotional weight. A moving score can heighten feelings. It can make a sad scene more poignant or a happy moment more joyous. Music sets the tone and mood. It helps convey emotions that words alone cannot.

Visuals are another important element. Cinematography captures the essence of a scene. It uses light, color, and composition to evoke feelings. A well-shot film can make us feel like we are part of the story. It immerses us in the world of the characters.

Dialogue is vital too. Words can be powerful. They can inspire, comfort, or break our hearts. Well-written dialogue captures the essence of a character. It reveals their thoughts and emotions. It makes their experiences more relatable.

Themes are the underlying messages of a film. They often deal with universal experiences. Love, loss, redemption, and hope are common themes. These themes resonate with audiences. They make us reflect on our own lives. They remind us of our own experiences and feelings.

Pacing is important in an emotional movie. The story must unfold at the right speed. It needs to give us time to connect with the characters. It should build tension and release it at the right moments. Good pacing keeps us engaged and invested.

An emotional movie often leaves a lasting impact. It makes us think long after the credits roll. It can change our perspective or make us feel understood. These films often become favorites. We return to them when we need comfort or a good cry.

The impact of an emotional movie can be profound. It can bring people together. Shared experiences of watching a moving film can create bonds. It can also provide a sense of catharsis. Watching characters navigate their struggles can help us deal with our own.

In conclusion, emotional movies are powerful. They connect with us on a deep level. They combine story, characters, music, visuals, and dialogue to create a moving experience. These films remind us of our shared humanity. They make us feel seen and understood. They leave a lasting impression on our hearts and minds.

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