The Most Popular Name in Turkey, Ranked

Choose the name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 29, 2024 07:05
Deciding on a name can be a significant choice, often reflecting cultural heritage and personal identity. In Turkey, where traditional and modern influences blend seamlessly, the popularity of names changes frequently. Knowing which names are favored can give insights into current trends and cultural shifts, helping parents, researchers, and curious individuals make informed decisions. This interactive site allows you to participate actively by voting for the names you prefer. Each vote contributes to the dynamic ranking, reflecting real-time preferences and opinions of individuals from various backgrounds. Your involvement not only influences the rankings but also connects you to a community engaged in the ongoing discussion about cultural and social trends in naming.

What Is the Most Popular Name in Turkey?

  1. 1


    Widely used male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Praised
    • Origin: Arabic
  2. 2


    Common male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Good, small handsome one
    • Origin: Arabic
  3. 3


    Most popular female name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Precious gem
    • Origin: Arabic
  4. 4


    Most popular male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Joseph
    • Origin: Hebrew
  5. 5


    Frequently used male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Life, long living
    • Origin: Arabic
  6. 6


    A common male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Highly praised
    • Origin: Arabic
  7. 7


    Popular female name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Reward, gift
    • Origin: Turkish
  8. 8


    Popular female name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: We are on to you
    • Origin: Turkish
  9. 9


    Popular male name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Commander, prince
    • Origin: Arabic
  10. 10


    A very popular female name in Turkey.
    • Meaning: Slim, tall
    • Origin: Arabic

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular name in Turkey. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 110 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each name once every 24 hours. The rank of each name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Name in Turkey

Names hold deep cultural significance. In Turkey, this is no different. The most popular name often reflects a mix of history, religion, and tradition. Many names have roots in the Turkish language, while others come from Arabic or Persian influences due to historical connections.

Names in Turkey often carry meanings tied to virtues, nature, or historical figures. These names may symbolize strength, wisdom, or beauty. Parents choose them with the hope that their child will embody these qualities. The name's meaning can influence a parent's choice, as they want to bestow positive traits upon their child.

Religion plays a significant role in naming conventions. Many names are derived from Islamic tradition. These names honor prophets, religious leaders, or figures from Islamic history. They serve as a reminder of faith and cultural heritage. Some names are chosen to reflect a family's devotion and to instill religious values in their children.

Historical events and national pride also shape naming trends. Names of heroes, leaders, and significant figures from Turkish history are popular. These names connect children to their country's past and inspire a sense of pride and identity. They remind people of their shared heritage and the values that have shaped their nation.

Modern influences have also impacted naming trends. Globalization and media exposure introduce new names and variations. Some parents look for unique or trendy names that stand out. These names might be influenced by popular culture, literature, or international trends. However, traditional names still hold strong, reflecting the balance between modernity and tradition.

Family traditions play a crucial role in naming. Many families pass down names through generations. This practice honors ancestors and maintains a sense of continuity. It strengthens family bonds and keeps the memory of loved ones alive. These names often come with stories and histories that enrich a child's sense of identity.

Regional differences within Turkey also affect naming trends. Certain names might be more common in specific areas. These variations reflect local customs, dialects, and cultural influences. They add to the rich tapestry of names found across the country.

Despite these variations, the most popular name in Turkey often embodies a blend of these elements. It carries historical significance, religious meaning, and cultural pride. It reflects the values and aspirations of Turkish society.

In conclusion, the popularity of a name in Turkey is influenced by a mix of tradition, religion, history, and modern trends. Names carry deep meanings and reflect the hopes and values of parents. They connect individuals to their cultural heritage and family history. Whether traditional or modern, the most popular name in Turkey represents a rich blend of influences that shape Turkish identity.

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