The Most Popular Choir, Ranked

Choose the choir you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 26, 2024 06:46
Choosing a choir to listen to or join can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack, given the sheer number of options available. From small community groups to grand, professional ensembles, each choir offers a unique blend of repertoire, style, and community. Knowing which ones resonate with listeners and participants could significantly streamline this search, bringing music lovers and choirs together in harmony. This is why a dynamic, user-generated ranking system proves so valuable. It allows individuals to voice their preferences, contributing to a collective insight that benefits all users. By participating in the ranking process, you help create a clearer picture of which choirs stand out in the public eye, making it easier for everyone to find a choir that sings to their tune.

What Is the Most Popular Choir?

  1. 1

    Tenebrae Choir

    Known for its passionate and precise performances of a wide range of choral works.
    • Location: London, United Kingdom
    • Founded: 2001
  2. 2

    The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square

    Formerly known as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, this choir is one of the oldest and largest choirs in the world, known for its rich history and extensive repertoire.
    • Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
    • Founded: 1847
  3. 3

    Vienna Boys' Choir

    One of the best known boys' choirs in the world, with a history dating back to the Middle Ages.
    • Location: Vienna, Austria
    • Founded: 1498
  4. 4

    King's College Choir, Cambridge

    Famous for its annual Christmas Eve service, A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, broadcast worldwide.
    • Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    • Founded: 1441
  5. 5

    Westminster Abbey Choir

    One of the most famous choirs in the world, performing at all major services in Westminster Abbey.
    • Location: London, United Kingdom
    • Founded: 14th century
  6. 6

    Sistine Chapel Choir

    One of the oldest religious choirs in the world, known for its role in the papal liturgies.
    • Location: Vatican City
    • Founded: 1471
  7. 7

    Monteverdi Choir

    Founded by Sir John Eliot Gardiner, it is renowned for its Baroque and early classical music performances.
    • Location: United Kingdom
    • Founded: 1964
  8. 8

    New York Philharmonic Chorus

    Associated with the New York Philharmonic, this chorus participates in a variety of performances, including classical and contemporary works.
    • Location: New York, USA
    • Founded: 1979
  9. 9

    Berlin Radio Choir

    Known for its versatility and wide repertoire, ranging from early music to contemporary pieces.
    • Location: Berlin, Germany
    • Founded: 1925
  10. 10

    Swedish Radio Choir

    Regarded as one of the best choirs in the world, known for its commitment to new music and premiering works by contemporary composers.
    • Location: Stockholm, Sweden
    • Founded: 1925

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular choir. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Chorus is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Chorus once every 24 hours. The rank of each Chorus is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Choir

Tenebrae Choir
Rank #1 for the most popular choir: Tenebrae Choir (Source)
Choirs have a long history. They bring people together to sing in harmony. These groups can be found in many places, from small towns to big cities. They sing in churches, schools, and concert halls. The most popular choirs often have a few things in common.

First, they have a strong leader. This person, known as the conductor, guides the choir. They choose the music and teach the singers. A good conductor can inspire the choir to sing beautifully. They help each singer find their best voice.

Second, popular choirs practice a lot. They meet several times a week. During these practices, they work on their songs. They learn to sing together as one voice. Each singer must listen to the others. They must blend their voices to create harmony. This takes time and effort.

Third, these choirs often perform many times a year. They sing at local events and big concerts. Some even travel to other cities or countries. These performances help the choir gain fans. People hear them sing and want to hear more. This builds the choir’s reputation.

Fourth, popular choirs have a wide range of music. They sing many types of songs. Some are old, some are new. They might sing classical music, pop songs, or folk tunes. This variety keeps the audience interested. It also challenges the singers. They must learn to sing different styles.

Fifth, many of these choirs have recordings. They make CDs or digital albums. Fans can buy these and listen at home. This helps the choir reach more people. It also helps them raise money. They can use this money to buy music, pay for travel, or improve their practice space.

Sixth, popular choirs often have a strong community. The singers support each other. They become friends. This helps them work well together. It also makes the choir a fun place to be. New singers want to join because they see this. They know they will be welcomed.

Seventh, these choirs often have a mix of ages. Some singers are young, others are older. This mix brings different experiences and skills. It helps the choir grow and learn. The younger singers learn from the older ones. The older singers get new energy from the younger ones.

Eighth, many popular choirs have a clear mission. They might want to share a certain type of music. They might want to bring joy to their community. This mission gives the choir a sense of purpose. It helps them stay focused. It also helps them connect with their audience.

Ninth, these choirs often have strong support from their community. Local businesses might sponsor them. Schools might let them use their space for practice. Fans might donate money. This support helps the choir thrive. It shows that people value what they do.

In summary, the most popular choirs have strong leadership, practice often, perform regularly, sing a wide range of music, make recordings, build a strong community, mix ages, have a clear mission, and receive community support. These factors help them succeed and bring joy to many people.

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